Explorer Круизные суда, Арктика
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The Explorer is a 46.5 meter / 153-foot small cruise ship in the Arctic. This luxurious vessel accommodates up to 12 guests in ensuite cabins, including two suites with direct deck access. The spacious cabins are stylishly appointed with modern decor, comfortable beds, and ensuite bathrooms. The Explorer is equipped with two Zodiac landing crafts for shore landings and is fully staffed with an experienced captain, crew, and expedition leaders. On board, you'll enjoy an ample, open-plan living space consisting of a dining area and guest saloon with comfy sofas and large windows to take in the stunning views. There's also a sauna, outdoor jacuzzi, and mini gym for your enjoyment, as well as an observation lounge area on the bridge deck with 360-degree views.
Perfect for wildlife spotting and photography, this ship has plenty of outdoor space on the bridge deck, covered stern and side decks, and an accessible bow deck. Guests enjoy stunning views from the outdoor hot tub and sauna, and the large lounge area is ideal for relaxing, dining, and socializing. The Observation area on the bridge deck provides a great vantage point for taking in the sights, and the sauna is perfect for unwinding after a long day of exploring.
Book your Arctic adventure cruise aboard the Explorer today.
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Подходит любителям снорклингаВключено: НДС, Зеленый налог, Портовые сборы, Топливный сбор, Трансфер в/из аэропорта, Трансфер в/из отеля, Алкогольные напитки за ужином, Безалкогольные напитки, Питьевая вода, Ужин с вином, Чай и кофе, Закуски, Полный пансион (все питание включено), Гид-натуралист, Наземные экскурсии, Бесплатные банные принадлежности, Полотенца для использования вне кают, Полотенца для кают, Услуги стирки и глажки, СПА.
Необязательные дополнительные расходы: Чаевые, Алкогольные напитки.
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* Дополнительные расходы взимаются с каждого гостя
Оплата:Банковский перевод и онлайн
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![поэтажный план](https://img.liveaboard.com/picture_library/boat/6157/thumbnail_explorer-floor-plan.jpg?tr=w-857,c-at_max)