Princess Sara 船宿, 马尔代夫
- 9.2 高超
- 互联网
- 提供高氧
- $ 184/天 起
- 现在预订
Explore the awe-inspiring dive sites of the Maldives aboard the Princess Sara dive liveaboard. This 40mtr/131ft long spacious liveaboard offers fantastic diving, an endless array of watersport activities, and plush onboard amenities. All 10 guest cabins, ranging from standard to Master Suite, include private en-suite bathrooms, hot and cold showers, individually controlled AC, and complimentary toiletries. The Princess Sara liveaboard takes divers to some of the most spectacular dive sites in the Maldives. Scuba dive to your heart’s content amongst stunning underwater scenery. Bring your own equipment or take advantage of the fully-stocked dive locker onboard. When you are not enjoying the underwater sights, the Princess Sara offers other water sports activities like stand-up paddleboards, kayaks, wakeboarding, and jet skis. You will never be bored on this dive liveaboard. The Princess Sara also offers plenty of space for divers to store their equipment and unwind after diving. Indoors there is a large lounge, bar, and dining area where you will enjoy three freshly prepared meals daily. On deck, there is plenty of room to spread out and lounge on the sun deck or soak in the hot tub as you watch the sunset.
A knowledgeable crew staffs the Princess Sara liveaboard and offers a near 1:1 crew to guest ratio. This intimate liveaboard takes divers to some of the Maldives’ best dive sites, such as Male and Ari Atolls, where you can encounter manta rays, eagle rays, whale sharks, moray eels, and too many sharks to count! The thriving Maldives coral reefs house a wide variety of colorful fish species. After exploring the underwater world, the Princess Sara liveaboard offers land excursions where you can visit white sandy beaches. This liveaboard itinerary also includes a beach BBQ where you can witness a spectacular sunset while enjoying a fantastic dinner.
Make your next dive vacation a trip to remember on the Princess Sara liveaboard in the Maldives. Book online today or call for more information.
包括: 增值税, 欢迎鸡尾酒, 茶&咖啡, 饮用水, 提供全餐, 沙滩烧烤, 零食, Night Dives, 潜水套餐, Stand Up Paddleboard, 博物学者指南, 浮潜导游, 浮潜装备, 钓鱼, 陆上远足, 免费洗浴用品, 客舱毛巾, 沙滩毛巾, 甲板毛巾.
必选费用: 小费 (120 USD), 环境税 (12 USD 每天).
可选费用: 潜水保险 (25 USD), 机场接送, 软饮料, 酒精饮料, 水肺深潜课程 (70-600 USD 单次活动), 私人深潜指导, 租赁设备 (200 USD), 额外深潜 (40 USD 单次活动), 高氧 (15 USD 每天), 高氧课程 (200 USD 单次活动), 摩托艇 (75-120 USD), WiFi网络 (20 USD), 洗衣熨烫.
立即预订,稍后付款: 您可以轻松地在线预订。我们将为您保留位置,您可以稍后确认后再付款。
* 额外费用是每人
Princess Sara 评论标题
- 9.2 高超
- 8.8 极好
- Chuan W
- 中国
- 推荐使用
- 潜导非常耐心负责. 潜点非常好. 性价比高.
- 9.2 高超
- 中国
人生中的第一次船宿潜水非常好!Great First Liveaboard Dive Experience!
第一次参加船宿潜水,感觉挺好,每天就是吃潜睡,通常一天三潜,夜潜看Manta就四潜,岛上烧烤日两潜,用的高氧整趟下来不累。船员们基本都会说英文,中文潜水员完全不用担心语言问题,水下打手势就够用!~ 四方线相对来说算简单,这个船主要去的潜点放流比较多,有些潜点需要挂流钩,有流的地方鱼就多,一直放流一直爽!我们组的潜导Shappe带我们去的潜点都超棒!看到了Manta,沉船,护士鲨,鹰鳐,鲸鲨,吉他鲨柠檬鲨,黑白鳍鲨群,杰克风暴,小海狼风暴,四线笛鲷群,超级多的鲨鱼!Shappe还带我们找各种小东西给我们看。多尼船上每潜结束都有干毛巾、瓶装饮用水和椰子肉补充能量。这次三个潜水员丢了相机,Shappe和意大利潜导都有帮忙找回2个;有次浪特别大没力气踢回船那边感谢意大利潜导帮忙拉着我;其中一个潜伴和另一个船的潜伴发生了一点事情,PrincessSara的工作人员都有积极帮忙解决问题。~ 房间方面: 选的是下层甲板房间,隔音算好,不开船的情况下并无噪音,每天都睡得很香,走廊摇铃叫醒是可以听到的。浴室干湿分离空间很大,有热水!每潜结束回到主船上都可以洗热水澡!这对女生来说太棒了!提供充足的洗漱用品毛巾吹风机衣架夹子!整个船二十多个人,空间很大,不会拥挤,除了我们几个国人,其他基本都是欧洲家庭,比较安静没有嘈杂的声音!每层甲板上都有沙发可以躺平休息晒太阳看海!~ 食物方面: 基本是白人饭,西餐为主,早餐:吐司面包可颂培根火腿鸡蛋橙汁麦片水果酸奶果酱等,中晚饭:炒饭意大利面蘑菇汤沙拉鸡肉牛肉鱼肉薯条薯饼鸡块冰淇淋甜点等,有番茄酱辣椒酱等等,提供热水冰水牛奶姜茶各种茶咖啡饼干香蕉。 But!有一次潜水不是很愉快,我们潜下去就遇到流,能见度很差只有5m,在流里踢了20分钟,没找到这个潜点的沉船,什么都没有,啥也没看到,我们就升水结束了,于是这次潜水被浪费掉了,船经理只答应给我们一次额外潜水20美金的折扣。其他组在同一个潜点也是碰到了这个情况,但他们直接升水更换了气瓶重新下去了,也看到了该看的东西。对于这个事情的处理结果我还是有点不满意的。总的来说,这次的船宿潜水之旅体验感还是不错的!价格方面也很实惠,性价比高,推荐!
- 推荐使用
- The dive guide Shappe was very responsible. All the crew was nice. Can see a lot of fish.
- 9.2 高超
- 中国
非常好的一次船宿体验Really a good trip of liveaboard
与princess sara的员工及来自全世界各地的朋友们度过了非常美好的一周。 参加的线路是四方线,价格比较经济实惠,船上的食物是经典的白人饭,来自中国的小伙伴们可能吃两次就会觉得不好吃,基本就是每餐1个鸡肉/牛肉,1个鱼肉,加炸土豆,加炖菜/煎菜,加沙拉水果,如果中国胃可以自己带点东西,船上提供的软饮和酒类等非常贵。 潜点基本就比较经典,可以看到manta,护士鲨,白鳍鲨,黑鳍鲨,海龟,鲸鲨,鹰鳐。平均下来是每天3潜,共计包含check dive在内的17次潜水,多余的潜水次数会收费,但是也不会实现太多的额外潜水,我们这次是2次,还是在我们的要求下。潜导基本1带6。 船上的员工非常热情,我们旅行期间掉了三个相机,找回来了两个。行程里包含一次无人岛的barbecue环节以及马累的2h旅行。 船上的设施比较新,住宿条件和公共空间都还不错,一共只有20个客人感觉也不拥挤,配套有多尼船潜水装备都在多尼船上,每次潜水之前先到客厅听briefing然后去多尼船开去潜点然后回来。 中间有一次潜水不是很愉快,我们潜水下去就是流,能见度只有5m,在流里踢了30min,没找到这个潜点的沉船,什么也没找到回船了,但是这次潜水被浪费了,船经理只答应给我们一次额外潜水20刀的off,其他还有一组也是碰到了这个情况,他们直接升水更换了气瓶重新下去了,也看到了应该看的东西。对于这个事情我还是有点不满意的。 总之,这个价格已经实现了非常有性价比的体验,我对这次的船宿之旅还是相对满意的,之后深南线再会!
- 推荐使用
- The guide Shappe was very responsible.. All the crew was nice.. The creature was amazing..
- 8.0 很好
- muting X
- 中国
- 推荐使用
- 1.看到了一切;2.世界上最好的bartender;3.最友好nice的人
- 9.2 高超
- Luke E
- 美国
Amazing staff and dives!
The overall experience was great! The crew was fantastic. They run a 16 man crew which makes your experience easy and relaxing. Dive masters our well trained and accommodating to customers requests. For example I asked to see a tiger shark and they did a special dive site for us and succeeded in finding ones we also saw 2 whale sharks, over 15 mantas, and hundreds if not thousands of other shark species. The food was vary good, they have a fisherman onboard that catches fresh fish for dinner. I would recommend traveling to the Maldives sooner than later. All the dive sites out starting to get over dived and won’t be to long tell it’s to late. The dive masters do there absolute best to stay away from other divers/ boats but some dive sites it can’t be helped. I will end by saying I 100% recommend this boat and crew. Just let the crew do there job and you will have a great time!
- 推荐使用
- Crew. Dives. Food.
- 9.6 优秀
- Dan B
- 美国
Awesome trip!
Excellent diving, very comfortable boat and a great crew!
- 推荐使用
- The crew. The diving. The boat.
- 9.6 优秀
- Dan B
- 美国
Great trip!!
Probably our best liveaboard so far 👍
- 推荐使用
- Beautiful spacious boat. Excellent guides. Great diving!.
- 7.6 好
- Christopher G
- 美国
Nice boat. Good crew, Mixed diving
The trip was a bit mixed for me. I am a PADI OWSI and have dove around the world but had not been to Maldives yet. I had high expectations for the dives but they were not as good as expected. Coral reef everywhere in the world has changed and the damage was sad but expected. The divemaster and his team were nice but had a slight language barrier as they were Italian and English was very much a second language. (If you're Italian they are wonderful). The dives were unusually as the divemaster did not do any safety checks on the boat or speak to us other than say jump in the water. Once in we had very long swims at depth of 30+ meters to reach reefs multiple times that exhausted our air before we had time to see much. We also had equipment malfunction where my wife octopus was free flowing right before we entered the water. the divemaster just said bend the ocotopus hose and go. I wouldn't allow that and had to abort the dive. The rest of the divers aborted a few minutes later when the divemaster couldn't find the site. Currents were strong and it was a hard swim back to the boat multiple times. We did get to see black tip sharks on a couple of dives but every dive no matter where we went was impacted with 3 to 10 other boats and divers on the site at the same time. This meant there could be up to 100+ divers in the water on a site at the same time. I was kicked in the face by strange divers at least 8 times on dives. Sorry for the bad stuff but I wanted to put it out there. Good stuff: We saw 2 whale sharks, did a night Manta Dive and a Night nurse shark dive.
- 推荐使用
- Nice Cabin. Some good dives. Food was good.
- 7.6 好
- Steven S
- 美国
Good diving and liveaboard
Really enjoyed the diving, especially shark and mantas. Our dive master kept us safe which is the most important thing (I had trouble with the current at one point and he came over to assist me), but he was not very engaged in pointing out stuff to see or, really, in any other way. Overall the crew was excellent and responsive to any request, but the food was just adequate. Didn’t go hungry, but also didn’t look forward to the next offering.
- 推荐使用
- We stayed in a Master Suite which was only a little more expensive than a regular cabin. It was enormous and had a wonderfully comfortable king bed. It was the best cabin we have had on any liveaboard.. In the Maldives you dive from a separate large “Doney” (?) which we quite liked. Didn’t see any whale sharks, but lots of mantas, sharks and small stuff.. The boat was only half full of divers so everything was relaxed and easy. On a full boat it might not have been so pleasant..
- 8.4 很好
- Anne C
- 美国
Great dive guides and rooms
Mantas, ease of diving, great weather!
- 推荐使用
- The room we had, the dive guide we had, the other guests