Diamante 船宿, 埃及
- 免费上网
- 提供高氧
- $ 148/天 起
- 现在预订
The Diamante is a 26-meter/85-foot liveaboard that takes 14 guests on diving safaris in the Red Sea. It boasts 8 cabins with air conditioning, a private bathroom, and hot showers. On the main deck is a self-service buffet dining room, which doubles as a large lounge with an entertainment system. On the upper deck is a partially shaded outdoor lounge and the sundeck. On the third deck, there is a sunbathing area with sunbeds.
Thanks to silent generators, guests aboard the Diamante will enjoy Italian cuisine and a quiet night’s rest. Every detail has been considered to provide comfort above and below the sea. The Diamante features a large lounge with an entertainment system, a self-service buffet dining room, and multiple sunbathing and relaxation decks.
The Red Sea Wrecks and Reefs itinerary from Sharm el Sheikh blends coral reefs with historic shipwrecks. Highlights include the Jackson and Thomas Reefs in Tiran, the iconic Shark and Yolanda Reefs at Ras Mohammed, and the legendary Thistlegorm wreck at Sha'ab Ali.
Book your Red Sea diving adventure aboard the Diamante today.
包括: 增值税, 港口费, 燃油附加费, 欢迎鸡尾酒, 茶&咖啡, 软饮料, 饮用水, 提供全餐, 沙滩烧烤, 特别晚餐, 零食, Night Dives, 潜水套餐, 浮潜装备, WiFi网络, 免费洗浴用品, 客舱毛巾, 沙滩毛巾, 甲板毛巾.
必选费用: 国家公园费用 (90 EUR 每次行程), 强制服务费 (70 EUR 每次行程).
可选费用: 潜水保险 (30 EUR), 机场接送 (30 EUR 每次行程), 酒店接送 (30 EUR 每次行程), 酒精饮料, 水肺深潜课程 (50-250 EUR), 私人深潜指导 (70 EUR 单次活动), 租赁设备, 高氧 (75 EUR 每次行程), 高氧课程 (200 EUR), 水上滑板, 浮潜导游 (50 EUR 每天).
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* 额外费用是每人