Coral Expedition I巡游游船, 澳大利亚
- 8.6 极好
- 互联网
- 现在预订
Coral Expeditions I号于2016年全面翻修,是一艘精品游艇,非常适合精致的小型游船巡游之旅,也会为您提供高标准的服务和舒适度。对于那些晕船的乘客来说,稳固的Coral Expeditions I则是最佳选择。Coral Expeditions I号拥有25间客舱,可入住46位乘客,您在这里可以结交很多志同道合的新朋友。所有的客舱均配有独立卫浴,足够的存放行李空间,还包您可以观赏到别致的美景。潜水之余,您也可以前往阳光甲板享受新鲜的空气与日光浴。除此之外,还可以在酒吧一边品尝饮品一边和其他乘客分享故事。如果您觉得热,您可在空调休息室休息,空调休息室同样配有大型窗户,可以观赏到一切美景,保证您不会错过任何风景。大型就餐室可以容纳所有客人,您可以在开放式船板上观看船在水域中操作的情景。Coral Expeditions I还为您提供了多种娱乐娱乐,比如可供查阅的图书馆,无线网络连接站和礼品店,还有让您在水下浮潜的设备。
Coral Expeditions I号在澳大利亚参加有着多元化的海岸线。您可以开启从布鲁姆到达尔文之岛的10夜探险,或者探索金伯利的奇异景象,比如蒙哥马利礁,格威恩,哈撒尔和米切尔瀑布。如果您愿意接受大堡礁的冒险,那么还可从凯恩斯行驶前往达尔文之岛,途径约克角和阿纳姆周围的11夜之旅,还包括遥远的提维群岛,此次旅程会为您带来多种的娱乐活动和美景。或者,沿相反的路线游览12个夜晚,探索科堡半岛,韦塞尔群岛,回声岛,戈夫等。我们一定会为您创造很多终生难忘的回忆。
Coral Expeditions I 号还配有经验丰富的有亲和力的船员,大家都致力于为您提供热情的问候及高标准的服务。致电我们或者在线预定,我们为您预留乘坐号的名额。
适宜于浮潜员包括: 增值税, 国家公园费用, 港口费, 燃油附加费, 环境税, 晚餐葡萄酒, 晚餐酒精饮料, 欢迎鸡尾酒, 茶&咖啡, 软饮料, 饮用水, 提供全餐, 沙滩烧烤, 零食, 博物学者指南, 钓鱼, 陆上远足, 免费洗浴用品, 客舱毛巾, 沙滩毛巾.
可选费用: 旅行保险, 潜水保险, 签证费用, 本地航班, 机场接送, 酒店接送, 酒精饮料, WiFi网络, 洗衣熨烫.
立即预订,稍后付款: 您可以轻松地在线预订。我们将为您保留位置,您可以稍后确认后再付款。
* 额外费用是每人
Coral Expedition I 评论标题
- 8.6 极好
- 8.0 很好
- Arnold R
- 美国
Virus was Live Aboard!
Loved the landscape and Sandy's description thereof and his presentation on the history of indigenous peoples in Oz. Adam's discussion on turtles and marine parks across Australia was also excellent. The indigenous art, especially Gwion-Gwion was totally fascinating. Loved Montgomery Reef and the salt water crocodile we saw there was a real bonus. I did not mind the choppy ride on the last two nights but the virus I had after the second day really took the shine off. The fever was gone after 2 days but the subsequent cold and cough were not fun. It was great to meet the different people on board, and the crew were superb, personable.
- 推荐使用
- The landscape, indigenous art, Montgomery Reef
- 9.6 优秀
- Jacqueline B
- 美国
Absolutely wonderful 4 days, one of the best tours we have had!!!
The smaller, more intimate vessel size with 12 crew and 21 passengers really let you feel the experience at a completely different level. Every need was thought Of and I can not think of anything that I would change! Great value for the money!
- 推荐使用
- Crew, food and unique experiences!
- 7.2 好
- Viviane T
- 法国
Nous avons vu de très belles choses coreaux poisson paysages.
Les séances de snorkling.
- 推荐使用
- Merveilleux spot de snorkling. Très bons repas. Équipage très sympathique et disponible.
- 9.6 优秀
- Robin S
- 澳大利亚
Fantastic once in a lifetime experience.
Nares Point with its convoluted and confounding geology. King George Falls experience (including being drenched underneath them in the Zodiac) Interesting and informative talks by the guest lecturers. Amazing hard working crew, who went above and beyond to give us the best experience possible. Only slight downside was the fact they didn’t cater for my wife’s special (allergy related) dietary requirements on three occasions.
- 推荐使用
- Amazing geology; Informative re history and Aboriginal culture; Amazing crew/hospitality/food.