Al Farouk Omar 船宿, 埃及
- 7.9 好
- 免费上网
- 提供高氧
- 现在预订
M/Y Al Farouk II号带您开启埃及红海深潜游猎之行。与您相约埃及之北,探寻蓝蓟花号、穆罕默德国家公园、兄弟群岛、达代罗斯和埃尔芬丝通的神秘之旅。船上潜水设备一应俱全,有专门的潜水甲板,宽绰广阔,并配有装备储备区供水箱冲洗和淡水淋浴。通过认证后,游客可以支付额外费用,使用氮氧深潜服务。
M/Y Al Farouk II号可提供12个双人客舱,分布于上中下层甲板,最多可接纳24名游客。 每间客舱均配有独立卫浴和变频空调。此外,船上还有室内公共休息区,餐厅、酒吧提供一站式服务,配有空调和影音设备,让您如沐春风,尽享视听盛宴,岂不美哉。船上采用新鲜食材,提供自助饮食模式,糅合国际佳肴和当地美食,为您打造顶级味蕾享受。结束了一天的潜水之旅后,您可以沐浴在甲板的夕阳余晖之中,洗尽一天的疲倦。潜水休息间隙,也可以于甲板上憩息放松。
M/Y Al Farouk II号船员、向导经验丰富、热情好客,诚邀您登上红海船宿深潜之轮。请电话或者网络预订,我们与您不见不散!
包括: 增值税, 机场接送, 酒店接送, 欢迎鸡尾酒, 茶&咖啡, 软饮料, 饮用水, 提供全餐, 零食, 潜水套餐, WiFi网络, 免费洗浴用品, 客舱毛巾, 甲板毛巾.
必选费用: 港口费 (25 EUR), 燃油附加费 (50 EUR 每次行程), 环境税 (70 EUR), 签证费用 (25 USD).
可选费用: 旅行保险, 潜水保险 (35 EUR), 小费 (50 EUR 每次行程), 酒精饮料, 水肺深潜课程 (140-435 EUR 单次活动), 私人深潜指导 (350 EUR 每次行程), 租赁设备 (220 EUR), 高氧 (70-90 EUR), 高氧课程 (185 EUR 单次活动).
立即预订,稍后付款: 您可以轻松地在线预订。我们将为您保留位置,您可以稍后确认后再付款。
* 额外费用是每人
Al Farouk Omar 评论标题
- 7.9 好
- 8.0 很好
- Adam S
- 美国
Boat had issues
The boat has seen better days and sustained some damage in high waves that led to some flooding in lower deck rooms. The compressor also had issues throughout the week and the crew was inexperienced leading to some clunky moments. However the dive guides and the diving were fantastic as we saw every large pelagic from oceanic whitetips, manatees and hammerheads to amazing macro subjects like pipe fish. The corals are very healthy and extraordinary. If you’re looking for a true adventure where you never know what might happen next above or below the waterline than this trip is for you!
- 推荐使用
- The diving was great
- 8.0 很好
- Brett M
- 美国
Really excellent diving
So many Longimanus sharks! The boat is well run and they provide a very smooth experience.
- 推荐使用
- Longimanus sharks, crew, detailed briefings
- 6.4 评分
- Nicola R
- 意大利
Liveaboard on Gelen!
The boat is comfy (please note that our booking was changed last minute to Gelen instead of Al Farouk II), the staff friendly and always ready to help. Food was tasty, healthy and sufficient, even for vegetarians. Nice bunch of divers. The dive guides were unfortunately unmotivated and rather absent. The main guide was always tired and kept the briefings to a minimum. The second guide was rather unfit for the job, even managed to lose divers, had us swim against the current, had us regularly swim in a safe distance from the wall in order to see nothing, usually "ran" in front of the group and had little contact with the divers, and always had his camera ready to take pictures - not only unusual but as far as I know also forbidden for guides.
- 推荐使用
- the quiet at Daedalus, sharks at Elphinstone, comfortable boat
- 4.0 评分
- Martin L
- 奥地利
Nie wieder!
Die Highlights waren Longimanus an Big Brother und die Hammerheads am Daedalus Reef
- 推荐使用
- Das einzige positive war das Essen an Bord.
- 5.2 评分
- Saskia R
- 德国
The boat is a heap of scrap
The great underwater world was overshadowed by technical problems and trips back to the port.
- 推荐使用
- Wreck SS Thistlegorm, Wreck Salem Express & the food
- 6.8 评分
- Janusz S
- 芬兰
Good dives, friendly staff.
In general the trip was good, friendly crew, good food, nice dives (even dive sites were repeated several times) and spectacular marine life. However, bathroom in our cabin was a disaster. The boat had big problems with sewage system and during sailing on the open sea lower deck rooms and corridor were horribly smelly. Additionally, in our cabin, shower water was permanently standing on the floor (drainage hole in the left corner, while ship tilted to the right side).
- 推荐使用
- Marine life.
- 9.2 高超
- Lionel J
- 法国
Very good dives, friendld staff.
Les plongées dans les grottes, les jardins de coraux, le snorkeling avec les dauphins, le longimanus au dessus de nos têtes.. !
- 推荐使用
- Guide de plongee au top. Plongées variées. Bonne ambiance sur le bateau.
- 7.2 好
- Cordula S
- 德国
Sehr schöne Reise
Kritik haben wir auch: Auf uns Taucher mit mehr Erfahrung wurde nicht eingegangen, wir durften den absoluten Anfängern folgen und hätten gerne etwas anspruchsvollere gemacht.
- 推荐使用
- Tauchgänge, Haibegegnungen, Entschleunigung
- 6.8 评分
- Frederic C
- 法国
Semaine sur un bateau en très mauvais état
Les.grottes de Sataya
- 推荐使用
- Le guide français, l'équipage, la dirigeante de la croisière
- 6.0 评分
- Zoitza P
- 法国
Not so comfortable
Thé divings
- 推荐使用
- Thé divings and thé crew