Nemo 船宿, 埃及
- 8.4 很好
- 免费高氧
- 现在预订
“甚至在 Deadalus 看到了神奇的长尾鲨。”
Nemo liveaboard号船宿游艇为您在埃及红海水域提供全年的深潜之旅,经济实惠。游船长31米,11间客舱共可容纳22名乘客。房间种类多样,下层有6间双人房和一间套房,上层有4间双舱。 Nemo潜水船宿于2011年进行了全面翻修,并于2013年再次进行了翻新,环境更加舒适宜人,更加明亮宽敞。舒适的社交区域包括沙龙和餐厅,下层甲板设有娱乐系统,日光甲板上设有大型日光浴室。天为您自助供应当地新鲜佳肴和国际知名菜系,珠翠之珍,佳肴旨酒,令您口齿生香,回味无穷。
MY Nemo号游船将携您一道探索红海北部水域,在世界级的潜水点停靠休憩,带您来到红海水域最负盛名的潜水胜地,一赏北部残骸和珊瑚礁的奇观,探寻拉斯默罕默德海洋公园,以及标志性的南方“金三角”,包括巴贾德岛,代达罗斯和兄弟群岛,寻觅千姿百态的远洋生物。为期7晚的旅程一定让您心驰神往,流连忘返,游客可以选择连续预订,可享受折扣优惠。潜水甲板位于船的后部,为您提供独立存储空间,我们还将为取得许可的潜水员供应高氧气瓶。
包括: 增值税, 小费, 机场接送, 茶&咖啡, 饮用水, 提供全餐, 零食, 潜水套餐, 高氧, 客舱毛巾.
必选费用: 环境税 (50 EUR 每次行程).
可选费用: 软饮料, 酒精饮料, 水肺深潜课程 (110-350 EUR 单次活动), 私人深潜指导 (8 EUR 单次活动), 租赁设备 (120 EUR), 高氧课程 (110 EUR 单次活动).
立即预订,稍后付款: 您可以轻松地在线预订。我们将为您保留位置,您可以稍后确认后再付款。
* 额外费用是每人
Nemo 评论标题
- 8.4 很好
- 8.4 很好
- Sabine V
- 德国
Nice divetrip
A boat full of French was hard for me as a non French-speaking traveler. The crew are lovely, the boat is old but well mentained. Vegan option was a problem at the beginning but was solved quickly.
- 推荐使用
- Diving, Turtles, Dophins
- 7.6 好
- Vinicius S
- 巴西
Very good, but could've been awesome
Amazing crew work, Egyptians were super kind and did a great job overall. French dive master Fred was very friendly and showed skills finding the schooling hammerheads at Deadalus. One dive master to 20 divers, though, was far from ideal. Amazing diving sites, lucky to see longimanus in 3 or 4 dives, 2 close encounters. Even saw the amazing thresher shark at Deadalus. The boat is old, despite being in good shape. Fresh water on board was yellowish all week long. Would try to pick up a better boat if going back to the red sea.
- 推荐使用
- Great staff, longimanus, thresher shark & hammerheads
- 9.2 高超
- Kaisa T
- 芬兰
Very good all together
Everything! Good diving, good boat, excellent food ;)
- 推荐使用
- Everything was working like it should, no complanes at all.