Chertan 船宿, 巴布亚新几内亚
- 8.4 很好
- 提供高氧
- 现在预订
MV Chertan号船宿游艇带将您在巴布亚新几内亚的原生态水域探寻深潜的原始乐趣。MV Chertan号船宿游船长20米,有5间空调房,可接纳10位乘客,让您享受贵宾级服务。最大的客舱位于船头,是豪华双人间,有独立控制的空调和一间独立卫浴,十分满足有小孩的家庭或3名成年旅行者的需要。有两间豪华房内配有2张单人床,卫生间和盥洗池。两间标准间位于船尾,内有两张单人床,共用浴室和淋浴间。休息区设备一应俱全,有一个室内休息室,餐厅和带电视的酒吧,您可以尽情欣赏拍摄的照片。
巴布亚新几内亚潜水无疑将是本次旅行的最大亮点,在这里您可以见识到千形百状的海底生物,从罕见的海底小生物,裸鳃类动物,侏儒海马到大型海洋生物,如儒艮,蝠鲼和鲸鲨,在这片50米的清澈水域一应俱全,应有尽有。MV Chertan的船长和船员经验丰富,将竭诚为您服务,每一次旅行都会带给您一次全新的体验。
包括: 增值税, 机场接送, 茶&咖啡, 饮用水, 提供全餐, 零食, 潜水套餐, 免费洗浴用品, 客舱毛巾, 甲板毛巾.
必选费用: 高压氧舱费用 (25 USD 每天).
可选费用: 小费, 软饮料, 酒精饮料, 租赁设备, 高氧.
立即预订,稍后付款: 您可以轻松地在线预订。我们将为您保留位置,您可以稍后确认后再付款。
* 额外费用是每人
Chertan 评论标题
- 8.4 很好
- 9.6 优秀
- paul B
- 美国
I jokingly called it at point 'the home of the 90 min dive,' as one can much dive until 500 psi at your leisure, free to study the undersea world at one's own pace, w/o trying to keep another's pace.
The freedom given, the friendliness of the crew, the overall informality.
- 推荐使用
- The autonomy one has as an experienced diver to create one's own profile. Some might be uncomfortable with the lack of organization, supervision.
- 6.0 评分
- 西班牙
very good
very nice diving
- 推荐使用
- diving
- 9.6 优秀
- Gabor D
- 匈牙利
Magnificent macro experience
We joined a trip specializing on nudibranchs and the input we received from the captain, the crew and from our fellow divers on these creatures exceeded all expectations. One cannot imagine the diversity and beauty of critters you find at divesites in this region. Expert guidance is a must here and guests receive all the attention and more from divemasters required to make the most out of the days spent aboard Chertan. No wonder professionals frequent this boat so often, you name the species you wish to see and the trip is tailored to have the highest chance to take the photo or video you seek. We will be repeaters for sure.
- 推荐使用
- nudibranchs, pristine reefs, professionalism