Merdeka 3ダイブクルーズ, タイ
9.0 特上の
- から $ 142/ 日
- 今予約する
「Merdeka 3 'スパボート'」は、ダイバーとノンダイバーの両方に向けて、タイで素晴らしいクルーズを提供します。旅程は4泊で、クラビ県のピピ、コハ、ヒンダエン&ヒンムアンを巡ります。このツアーは究極の「リラックス&チルアウト」トリップを目指しています。1日に2回程度のダイビングが予定されており、美しい周辺の島々をリラックスして探検する時間がたっぷりあります。「Merdeka 3」とのダイブクルーズには、フルボード、ビール、ワイン、マッサージ、カヤックやその他のボート設備の無料利用が含まれています。
「Merdeka 3」は、鉄材で作られた伝統的なインドネシアのピニシ船です。6つの設備が整った客室で最大15名のゲストが宿泊可能です。客室には、ダブル、ツイン、トリプル、またはクアッドの選択肢があり、それぞれに温水&冷水のシャワー、個別調整可能なエアコン、ファンが備えられています。ソーシャルエリアには、マット付きの大きな日陰のサンデッキと、カバー付きの屋外ラウンジ&ダイニングエリアがあります。潮風を楽しみながらサンセットドリンクを無料で満喫するには最適な場所です。
「Merdeka 3 スパボート」で、素晴らしいタイのダイビングとリラクゼーションクルーズにぜひご参加ください。今日オンラインで予約して、席を確保してください。
含む: 付加価値税, ソフトドリンク, ティー&コーヒー, 飲料水, スナック, 全ての食事が含まれたプラン, ダイビングのパッケージ, カヤック, フィッシング, ランド・エクスカーション, キャビンタオル, デッキタオル, ビーチタオル, 無料のアメニティ, マッサージ.
必要なエクストラ: 国立公園料金 (1,600 THB 1旅程あたり).
オプションのエクストラ: クルーへのチップ, ホテルでの乗り換え, 空港での乗り換え, アルコール飲料, スキューバダイビングのコース (66-325 EUR), プライベートのダイブガイド (1,500 THB 1アイテムあたり), レンタル 用品, 追加のダイブ.
今予約して、後で支払う: オンライン上で予約は簡単に取れます。空き状況や値段がすぐわかり、VISA、Mastercard、PayPal、銀行入金などで支払いが可能です。
Merdeka 3 レビュー
- 9.0 特上の
- 8.0 とても良い
- David T
Amazing Diving
Overall, we had an amazing trip. This was primarily due to our incredible dive master Kiki and the attention she gave not only is, but the rest of the divers as well. Her breifings were on point and she helped point out some amazing aquatic life. The food was amazing and had lots of variety. There was no chance of going hungry either! The remaing crew were friendly, helpful and overall pleasant to be around. I read when booking that the boat is "backpacker" accomedations, and i cant agree more. The mattresses were very firm, and we were only provided a sheet. If running the AC we tended to be cold at night with out a blanket. We asked for a blanket, and were given a small thin thing to use. The showers worked intermitantly and in order to power the boat at night, they needed to run a generator. Overall, it was still an incredible trip, but youll need to be okay with a few discomforts.
- にお勧め
- Our Dive Master Kiki. Dive sites. Remaining crew.
- 9.2 特上の
- Jason G
Such a great experience!
We enjoyed the trip and meeting the team. John was extremely organized. We were treated with utmost respect and care. The dives were excellent and plentiful. The food was great. My son enjoyed meeting the Dive Master! ;)
- にお勧め
- 1. The crew! 2. The organization under John. 3. The diving guide.
- 8.4 とても良い
- Andrew W
Relaxed 5 days!
Spectacular shark dive in shallow water and a great wreck dive in a National Park with more schooling fish than I have ever seen! This boat, as advertised, is definitely not for die-hard scuba divers or underwater photographers. There is no camera room. I had to teach them where to put the camera rinse tank. There is no proper dive platform at the stern. Still, it was easy to do 2 or 3 dives/day without rush or hassle. All the tanks are stored in the front of the boat and you have to walk down a narrow (only one person can pass) aisle to the mid-section of the boat and jump off. Must climb up the ladder to get back in. We didn't use the dinghy for diving at all! They did help with my gear, though. Very accommodating but awkward set up. Food was OK. Always a grilled fish,stir fry, and something else. Cook and server very helpful and responsive to suggestions. Alcohol freely available but very limited selection. Free massage! I had one during the 5 days. Weather is dicey. One really rough day and everything went flying! When it rains you must close your doors to your cabin or get soaked. The cushions in the stern were wet the entire cruise, which made sitting down for dinner or relaxing uncomfortable. Seems like it rained a little every day. Some fun shore stops and a chance to get off the boat. This is a single hull, 75 foot wooden vessel, not a 150 steel vessel like you might get with a more serious dive operation. We had one brief storm with a fair amount of seasickness all the way around. Think Gilligan's Island! This is a fun adventure for 5 days with a great, affable crew and simple but sufficient amenities (one set of towels for the week, for example). Captain really knew what he was doing and took great care with the boat. Had fun and had a half dozen dives, 2 of which were great! Of course, you are subject to whomever else signs up on the boat and it's pretty close quarters if you are an introvert. Would definitely NOT go if you or your mate are "high maintenance". Think "camping," not the Ritz!
- にお勧め
- Great value, informal, definitely a "chill" cruise
- 10 特別
- Logan D
Trip of a lifetime!
Definitely the trip of a lifetime! Not only was the crew the best and extremely friendly we also made life long friends. The diving was one of a kind, couldn’t recommend more and hope to come back again!
- にお勧め
- The crew, the scenery, the hospitality
- 10 特別
- Zachary D
Excellent and fun!
Lots of great diving, fire show, massages.
- にお勧め
- Awesome diving, balance of diving and fun, great people on the boat
- 8.0 とても良い
Hin Muang, Hin Deang
- にお勧め
- Hin Muang, Hin Deang, Crew and Dve professionals
- 10 特別
- Jeffery D
The most relaxing and adventurous dive trip we’ve had.
Diving the Phi Phi islands was the highlight of the trip, but the crew is what made it so memorable. We even had a wonderful night ashore hiking to watch the sunset over Koh Phi Phi Don and then watched a beachside fire dancing show that was incredible.
- にお勧め
- The view from the cabin was amazing, the diving was great, and the daily massage were the perfect ending to the day.
- 10 特別
- Dore S
Excellent service and crew but dive conditions were disappointing in off season.
Wreck dive, several species I had not seen before: Sea snake, scorpion fish, bamboo shark.
- にお勧め
- Multiple dives in short period of time. Crew and dive services were well performed. Boat and cabin were clean.
- 10 特別
- john P
Excellent trip
the people
- にお勧め
- customer service
- 10 特別
- Janine W
Great trip, great crew, great experience!
the ability to dive, relax and also have a variety of other things to do (kayak, snorkel, an evening on an island) --- loved it all!
- にお勧め
- 1) the pace --- "dive and chill" is a perfect combination for people who like to dive but are not married to it; 2) the crew: the divemasters (Erik & Joe) were terrific --- really helpful and friendly; and what a pleasure to be able to be on a trip with the boat's owner Neil: an absolute gentleman who has more experiences than you can count but humbly doesn't bring them up unless you engage him in the discussion; 3) the diving: the boat has great gear, and there was a really nice variety of sites selected for our dives.