Sheena 船宿, 马尔代夫
8.8 极好
- 提供高氧
- 现在预订
“当地的船员和潜水向导真的完成了这次旅行 - 没有什么太难的,他们对珊瑚礁的经验非常宝贵。”
24m MY MY Sheena是一艘马尔代夫船宿游艇,最多可容纳14位乘客,将带您一起探寻埃及南部环礁纷繁多样的海底生物。登上M/Y Sheena船宿,我们将携您一道探索马尔代夫纷繁多样的绝佳深潜圣地,包括梅穆环礁,南北马累环礁,甚至还有尚未开发的加福阿里夫环礁和费利杜环礁,精彩纷呈。M / Y Sheena上为您提供每天多达3次潜水活动,带给您贵宾级服务,您还有机会与鲸鲨,双髻鲨,蝠鲼水底共舞!
M/YSheena号一年翻新两次,给您带来极致舒适的体验,让您自在安适,称心如意。MY Sheena号上休闲区功能齐全,室内休息室宽绰广阔,还有四个日光甲板,上有遮荫区,您可以尽情在此休憩歇息。一日供应三餐,用餐区位于船尾,在大餐桌上为您供应“家庭式”餐点,您也可以在室内休息室内享用餐点,玉盘珍馐令您食指大动,齿颊生香。M / Y Sheena号上的9名的潜水导游和船员将竭诚以待,带您开启马尔代夫水肺深潜船宿之旅。
包括: 增值税, 茶&咖啡, 饮用水, 提供全餐, 沙滩烧烤, 零食, 潜水套餐, 陆上远足, 客舱毛巾, 甲板毛巾.
必选费用: 签证费用.
可选费用: 旅行保险, 潜水保险, 小费, 软饮料, 酒精饮料, 水肺深潜课程, 私人深潜指导, 租赁设备, 高氧课程 (180 USD), 浮潜装备, 洗衣熨烫.
立即预订,稍后付款: 您可以轻松地在线预订。我们将为您保留位置,您可以稍后确认后再付款。
* 额外费用是每人
Sheena 评论标题
- 8.8 极好
- 8.8 极好
- Christopher A
As a regular visitor to the Maldives 25+ visits, mainly liveaboards, standards were comparable to other trips.
Grey reef sharks. Although currents not favorable as outgoing in channels. Time of year and luck of the draw. Alimathi jetty night dive with nurse sharks. Even after a fourth time, never disappoints.
- 推荐使用
- Nice diving dhoni with toilet. Always drink a lot of water before dive.
- 8.8 极好
- Alexia J
Wonderful trip to a unique and beautiful part of the Maldives
Channel diving- challenging but rewarding! The local boat crew and dive guides really made the trip - nothing was too difficult, and their experience of the reef was invaluable.
- 推荐使用
- The friendly and endlessly helpful staff, amazing clear water and gorgeous boat.
- 9.2 高超
- Rui A
Amazing! To be repeated!
Diving was amazing! Not suited for beginners! Food and boat staff were fantastic! The size of the boat makes everything more cosy.
- 推荐使用
- Diving, food, people!
- 9.2 高超
- Samantha S
Great diving in the south
Diving was phenomenal and most places there was no one else in site. The diving felt relaxed but professional and guest focused. I never felt rushed or like we were hurried through the dive by a bored DM. On each dive we would stay until a guest was low on air or the hour was up. Ali was always happy to be diving and very helpful but not obtrusive. On a couple of occasions one of us had a bit of trouble while swimming against a hard current. He was right by your side but waiting to see if you neede him or not. Boat crew was excellent offering help but not over eager. The staff on the boat were so attentive and considerate or your individual preferences. You really only had to tell them once how you liked your coffee! Due to a staff illness there was a crew change mid week, this was seamless. I would travel on this boat again and in fact can’t wait to visit again! Mantas and more as well as sharks tongue were my favourite dive sites. So special! Mantas and more is aptly named but sharks tongue should be renamed whale sharks tongue! Consider staying at the island resort for some extended diving!
- 推荐使用
- Great staff truly a special effort made every day! Secluded dive sites. Relaxed atmosphere.
- 8.0 很好
- daniel S
Southern Atolls at its best
Many reef sharks on almost every dive Eagle rays on almost every dive Huge Manta Ray at cleaning station Huge whale shark for 30 minutes Ghost pipe fish Turtles Superb staff right from the deck hands to the DM's and captain Excellent knowledge of the seas and dive sites, always felt completely safe
- 推荐使用
- big palagics , very friendly staff, beautiful blue oceans